Preschool screening is performed by the County L.E.A.S.E. Program (LaSalle/Putnam County Educational Alliance for Special Education). Children must be screened prior to attending preschool each year. Lostant students that qualify for preschool attend Oglesby preschool. The L.E.A.S.E. phone number is 815-433-6433.
District | Location | Date and Time |
To Schedule an Appointment Call: |
* Oglesby | Lincoln School | TBD | 815-883-9297 |
To read more about Oglesby Lincoln Preschool, please visit their website
Early Education Programs
Below are some early education programs that are available to baby/toddlers too young to attend preschool. These events are for children to attend with a parent or guardian, children cannot be dropped off, an adult must be with them at all times.
Oglesby Preschool offers a Library Lapsit Program for infants and toddlers and their caregivers. This program is offered in a few of the local communities that are included in their preschool district. The Lostant Community Library Hosts the Lapsit Program on Tuesdays from 10:00-10:45am. This program will begin in September and the date will be added once it is set. Please click Preschool Library Lapsit (coming soon) for a printable flyer about the program.
Oglesby Preschool also offers a Play Group for infants and toddlers and their caregivers. This program begins on in September and runs from 9:30-11:00 am, the starting date will be added once it is finalized. Play group meetings are held on Mondays at Washington School in Oglesby. Please click Preschool Play Group (coming soon) for a printable flyer about the program.